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Check out the below to see what to do in Dublin this week! – 12/02/2024

It’s Valentine’s Day this week so why not enjoy something a little romantic? Or maybe weird? Whatever floats your boat we have plenty of suggestions for you to try with your SO or solo!

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Scene & Heard Festival 2024 @ Smock Alley Theatre

If you’re looking for something artistic, creative, different and supportive then look no further as The Smock Alley Theatre will be hosting the Scene & Heard 2024 festival this week.

What to expect from the Festival:

“A truly diverse programme with no overarching theme. You might see a one man Viking comedy show in 2% Viking, sink into the immersive installation Rose, or partake in an intercultural happening in Samba & Sunsets: A Brazilian Extravaganza. Laugh if you are human in HUMAN // ROBOT, Japanese letter writing is not dead in Grouchy Letters, stick it to the man (well Sister Assumpta anyway) in Mortal Sin and much more…”

Check out the programme here

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Viking Ireland – National Archeology Museum Free Tours

Throughout the month of February, the National Archeology Museum will be hosting Free Walking Tours themed around The Vikings in Dublin.

“See a replica fishing boat, examine the beautiful oval brooches worn by Scandinavian women, and discover ice skates made of bone! Discover what life was like in Viking Dublin, and see the wider impact that the Vikings had on Ireland. This tour is for families, but all ages are welcome to join!”

Check out the calendar here

Looking for somewhere to treat the partner? Check out some of these venues for Valentine’s Day!

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The Axe Club

What’s more romantic than throwing sharp objects at wood with your partner? We highly recommend Axe throwing, it’s unique, it’s weird and it’s a fun thing to do for Valentine’s Day!

Check them out here

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Dumpling Classes @ The Lucky Tortoise

If you’re looking for cooking classes why not try Dumpling making classes? Even if you don’t want to make dumplings we would still recommend heading to Lucky Tortoise to try their amazing menu!

Check them out here

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Cocktails and sharing boards @ The Odeon

The Odeon provides the classic ambience for a sophisticated meal for 2 in a beautiful setting, plus they offer some amazing cocktails & mocktails!

Check them out here

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Doggy Valentine’s Day Ball @ Doyles Corner

I don’t think we can find anything more unique and wholesome than the Doggy Valentine’s Day Ball at Doyles Corner, there’s treats for your pup and for your partner too!

Check them out here

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Dark Dublin Walking Tour

If you’re a bit weird (like us) then learning all about beheadings, torture and some satirical stories on Valentine’s Day might be another option for all you true-crime loving, Netflix serial killer addicts out there!

Our Dark Dublin Tours run every day and are bookable online, plus we’re being extra romantic and offering a lovely 10% discount per ticket – just use the coupon code VALENTINE on checkout (T&Cs apply). This discount will be valid till the 18th February, we’re just that into Valentine’s Day <3

Grab your tickets for the Dark Dublin Tour here

Lads, Winter is almost fully over so get yourself out in the city and enjoy a fabulous week with or without a partner!

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